The Whether System™

For constructive collaboration and inherent innovation

Whether you’re debating decisions or designing ideas, the Whether System™ will give you clarity, energy and strength of mind.  The Whether System™ combines critical and creative thinking constructively.  It is a way of thinking and working designed to broaden perspective before intuitively bringing you to a logical and credible conclusion, quickly, easily and effectively.  Use it individually or as part of a group to design direction and generate innovation.

Since the time of the Ancient Greeks, we've reached collective conclusions through a combative, binary system that weighs pros versus cons or agues for or against a given cause.  Our decision making improves when we explore our situation from a quadratic perspective; asking ourselves 4 questions: If I do it and it works what does that look like? If I do it and it doesn't work - what then?  If I don't do it and it still works or if I don't do it and it doesn't work, what are those outcomes?  In so doing deeper understanding and better decisions emerge.  A further upgrade to our thinking occurs when we introduce 7 different mindsets or perspectives to our approach to the same situation.  This sees us examine multiple points of view, challenge our own opinions, further open our minds and think more creatively.  It introduce our emotive understanding into the equation, allows from the exploration of alternative options and brings us to better more balanced conclusions in record time.

Use the Whether System™ to:

Collaborate More Constructively

Cultivate a Creative Mindset

Generate Innovative Ideas

Broaden Your Perspective

Reach Critical Conclusions

Make Excellent Decisions

Design Direction with Ease

Enjoy Advancing Your Thinking

Grow with Added Insight

Map and Monitor Your Mind

Learn Advanced Thinking Skills


Bring Brains Together

Compound Group Thinking

Advance in Leaps and Bounds

Strengthen Self-Support

Better Befriend Your Brain

Understand Yourself and Others

Improve Performance and Progress

Manage Transformation and Change

Forecast Likely Occurances

Reveal Open Opportunities

Build Better Relationships

Develop Higher Order Skills

The Whether System™ Encourages You To Map Your Thinking:

Map Your Thinking From Multiple Perspectives using the Whether System™

The 7 different Whether System™ mindsets denote their meaning from metaphors of the weather.  On a sunny day, the outlook is energetic and optimistic.  The rain reveals the problems; the metaphorical leaks in the roof or blocked drains. Wind represents the external influences that exist outside of autonomous control.  The snow covers up the details to reveal the real priorities. The optical illusion of the rainbow mindset encourages and exploration of vivid imagination whilst the lay-of-the-land mindset gives objective insight on the actualities.  Finally, the Whether Report™ is a methodical mindset that summarises the situation to provide clarity and direction.

The Whether Map™ below graphically extrapolates each mindset

When using the Whether System™ Set the Clock for Rapid Results

Whether you are using the Whether System™ for a self-assessing 21-minute Mind Meeting or you are running a longer 49-minute group brainstorming session, the clock sets the time-frame. For balanced thinking, you are encouraged to spend an equal amount of time in each of the 7 mindsets.  By working through each mindset quickly, under the constraints of limited time, subconscious thoughts often surface.  Seeing these objectively gives you greater insight into the deeper sentiments and intentions underscoring your actions.  Working through these critically and creatively helps you to overcome limiting beliefs, generate fresh ideas and reach excellent, balanced decisions in record time.

21-minute Mind Meetings are rapid transformational experiences designed to help participants make sense and set steps from pain or procrastination towards progress.

49-minute Brainstorms are ideal deep-dive thinking sessions developed to unpack complex conundrums and give rise to fresh, innovative and energized ideas.

Longer group session are tailored to meet group needs and facilitated using the Whether System™ by licensed Whether Reporters™.

Contact Celia Gates for a Consultation

Contact Celia Gates for a Consultation